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📍 Edmonton, Canada


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Hi, I’m Amirhossein Rajabpour

Hello there! I'm a computer science graduate student based in Canada.

Here is my CV


JAN 2023 – APR 2024

Individual Study Course Project | University of Alberta

Worked on various ways to improve the work (UNVEILING OPTIONS WITH NEURAL DECOMPOSITION). Implemented hill-climbing search, hill-climbing with exploration, and genetic algorithm for this work for improvements. Supervised by Levi Lelis.

SEP 2023 – DEC 2023

Reinforcement Learning 1 Course Project | University of Alberta

Comparing the performance of an expert agent, which uses all computational resources on a single task, against a generalist agent that distributes the same resources across multiple tasks. The study evaluates their performance across various reinforcement learning algorithms like PPO, DQN, and APPO, and explores the impacts of different environments, MiniGrid scenarios, and budgets (Project Report).

MAR 2023 – MAY 2023

Bachelors Thesis | Amirkabir University of Tech.

Face aging platform using generative models e.g. CycleGAN and reversible models. Supervised by Mohammad Rahmati.

FEB 2022 – JUN 2022

Research Assistant | Amirkabir University of Tech.

Working with a research team supervised by Professor Hamed Farbeh. I was responsible for implementing a graph convolutional network from a time series dataset.

OCT 2021 – JAN 2022

R&D Software Engineer | CROUSE PJS CO.

Working on an Artificial Intelligence Vision problem. My job was to design a light model to do the following to recognize whether LEDs on the monitor work fine:

NOV 2020 – APR 2021

DevOps Engineer Intern | Graph Co.

Working with docker, Minikube, and some Backend stuff.


2023 - Present

MSc of Computing Science | University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Supervisor: Levi Lelis

2018 - 2023

BSc of Computer Engineering | Amirkabir University of Technology

Tehran, Iran


Winter 2024 - Fall 2023

Graduate Teaching Assistant | Introduction to File and Database Management

University of Alberta | Computing Science

Fall 2022

Teaching Assistant | Principles of Artificial Intelligence

Amirkabir University of Technology | Computer Engineering

Fall 2022

Teaching Assistant | Cloud Computing

Amirkabir University of Technology | Computer Engineering